
Massage has an immediate physiological effect on the local area of the body being worked on and also affects the whole body through stimulation and relaxation of the muscles and nerves. It has great physiological and psychological benefits and can affect all the body systems in a positive way.

Specific ailments or requirements will determine what type of massage you wish to receive, therefore, I am ITEC and VCTC trained in a variety of massages, from those to relax and unwind, such as the holistic full body massage, hot & cold stone therapy, aromatherapy massage, or the more exotic Hawaiian to the more intensive deep tissue or sports massage. The choice is yours…

Holistic Full Body

A fantastic massage for helping relax the body and mind. This massage relieves stress and releases those powerful endorphins to elevate your mood whilst relieving tension, removing toxins, improving circulation and quality of sleep! Choose from one hour treatment or really treat yourself and enjoy a two hour treatment! To include abdominal massage and a face and scalp massage.

60 mins - £34

120 mins - £50

Holistic Back, Neck & Shoulder

30 mins - £22

60 mins -£27


This massage uses the pharmacological, physical and aromatic effects of essential oils for relaxtion and the improvement of physical and emotional well-being, a totally blissful massage. Again, choose from a full body or back, neck and shoulder massage. The treatment can be adapted using a specific blend of oils to help alleviate health conditions such as stress, anxiety and depression, insomnia, headaches and migraines as well as many others.

Back, 30 mins - £24

Back, 60 mins - £30

Full Body, 60 mins - £36

Lomi Lomi (Hawaiian)

A fluid, very rhythmical massage that produces gentle waves of pressure over the body with various areas of the body being massaged simultaneously! A truly heavenly experience!

55 mins - £34

90 mins (includes face and scalp) - £47

Hot & Cold Stones

Contrasting heat and cold causes the blood vessels to alternate between dilation and constriction. The overall effect is a dramatic increase in circulation whilst decreasing pain, muscle spasms, inflammation and increasing muscle tone. An extremely soothing and comforting massage, just lie back and relax!

Back, 40 mins - £33

Full Body, 60 mins - £38

Deep Tissue

Especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas. A slower massage with firm concentrated pressure to break down adhesions deep within the muscles. Not a massage that will relax and make you sleepy, but extremely beneficial for those tense muscles! Choose from a full body or those particularly tension holding areas, back, neck and shoulders.

Back, 30 mins - £27

Back, 60 mins - £32

Back, 75 mins - £38

Legs, 45 mins - £24

Legs, 60 mins - £29

Back & Legs, 60 mins - £32

Full Body, 75 mins - £38

Indian Head

A deeply relaxing massage over the upper back, neck, face and head. Fantastic for relief from stress, tension headaches, migraines and anxiety, whilst improving sleep and encouraging clarity of mind. I choose to perform this treatment with you lying on the massage couch rather than seated as this massage can be particularly relaxing, so that you can just lie back, drift away and enjoy your treatment fully!

45 mins - £30

60 mins - £35

*As an add-on, face and scalp massage (20mins - £15)

Anti-ageing Indian Head

A new treatment, an extension to the 45 minute Indian Head, using a blend of anti-ageing oils for mature skin. This relaxing treatment also incorporates the arms and hands with the added benefits of a collagen hand cream and an intensively nourishing collagen body butter for the decolatage. The treatment is completed with a collagen serum followed by a deeply moisturizing collagen facial cream, enhanced by the use of specific massage techniques to combat fine lines and wrinkles. You'll walk away feeling and looking fantastic! 

60 mins - £38 (Please arrive to your appointment wearing no makeup)

Rebalancing Indian Head Massage

A treatment to help alleviate the symptoms of PERIMENOPAUSE and MENOPAUSE. A specific blend of oils used to ease associated symptoms, including Bergamot (low mood, low libido) Clary Sage (hot flashes) and Basil (hot flashes, increases estrogen levels and improves mood). The oils work in conjunction with the benefits of Indian Head Massage: relieving backache, elevating mood and alertness, easing insomnia, rebalancing mental clarity as well as deeply moisturising the dry, itchy skin associated with menopause. This treatment promotes deep relaxation and a feeling of calm.

45 mins - £36

Facial Fusion

A deeply relaxing treatment; begins with a double cleanse, followed by steam to smooth, purify and hydrate your skin. Expertly performed facial massage to lift, sculpt and contour using techniques to remove toxins and enhance your natural glow while calming the mind. Gua Sha and jades rollers will also be use to reduce tension, improve circulation, relief puffiness and encourage lymphatic drainage. A soothing lavender jelly face mask will be applied to bring hydration and calm. Meanwhile, enjoy a heavenly scalp massage with deeply nourishing rosemary hair oil to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. Drift away to the rhythmical strokes of my Jade combs that will increase blood flow to the scalp, promote hair growth and distribute the gorgeous scented and greatly beneficial rosemary oil. End your treatment with a melt away stress shoulder and neck massage to promote a deep sense of calm. Leave this treatment with luminous skin and total mind - body balance!

70 mins - £40

Colon & IBS Therapy

The colon affects our health greatly. Simply put, when the colon is clean, the whole body works much better. When the colon is sluggish or weak digestion and elimination are compromised, the body can poison itself with toxins. With a clogged colon, toxins remain inside the body instead of being eliminated. This can have consequences for our immune system as the body protects itself by storing these toxins in fat cells or in the mucus lining of the intestines.

Constipation is a health problem suffered by many. Poor diet, especially one that is low in fiber, low fluid intake, and lack of exercise can all have negative effects on our bowel.

IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is the most common gut condition and affects about one in ten of us at some time, women especially. Constipation and diarrhoea are the most common symptoms but the sufferer may also note backache, tiredness, headaches and urinary or gynaecological problems. In IBS the bowel responds with powerful (often painful) contractions or spasms to stimuli that wouldn't usually bother other people. Research has shown that IBS suffers seem to have a super-sensitive colon. Again, poor diet, low fluid intake and lack of excercise can be triggers, as can worry, anxiety, stress and depression, although unfortunately, the exact cause is unknown.

My colon and IBS therapy can help both of these problems greatly. This treatment combines the cleansing of the colon through deep abdominal massage with a detoxifying warming mask to smoothe and firm the stomach. The mask also contains the essential oils peppermint and fennel, both of which are highly effective at relieving and preventing bloating, gas, indegestion and stomach aches. This treatment also includes a free face and scalp massage while the mask gets to work!

30 mins - £26

Cellulite Buster

This massage focusses on the problem areas of the thigh and bum. Treatment involve dry body brushing, followed by firm and deep massage to tone and stimulate the area and redistribute the fatty deposits that give the dimpled appearance, meanwhile essential oils will soothe and detoxify. A mask will then be applied to smooth, tone and help banish that “orange peel”!

Due to the cumulative effects of this treatment, if you book 4 treatments, you will receive your 5th free! You will also enjoy a free neck, shoulder and scalp massage while the mask gets to work.

Treatments are advised to be taken fortnightly in order to achieve maximum results.

45 mins - £28

Synergy Massage

Book in for this bespoke treatment and enjoy an hour massage, focussing on the treatment plan that YOU need! Spend the hour however you want, be it an hour on your back, perhaps just isolating issues with one shoulder or attention to an injured knee, it’s completely up to you, this massage is tailored to your needs. Just let me know at the start of your treatment which issues/concerns you have.

60 mins - £36

90 mins - £46

Cosy Winter Warmer Massage

Winter’s on its way, the perfect time to book in for this treatment. To include: 20 minutes hot oil and hot stone back massage, warm hydrating paraffin wax smothers the feet and then snuggled in thermal boots. Meanwhile, enjoy a 20 minute shoulder, face and scalp massage, finished off with a soothing foot massage; the whole time being cocooned in my warm treatment room and heated blankets. Leave this treatment blissfully relaxed with super soft feet!

70 mins - £41


UpCircle Body Scrub, Body Lotion & Back Massage

Buff away dry, dead skin cells to leave you feeling soft, smooth and refreshed, blended with shea butter to moisturise the skin post-scrub. This coffee body scrub is made with top quality Arabica coffee grounds, sourced from artisan coffee shops. Choose from lemongrass, lime and coconut infused essential oils, to transport you to tropical paradise or peppermint, eucalyptus and coconut oil to stimulate the senses. Both will gently exfoliate, brighten and revive the skin, and are high in vitamins A and E to help moisturise. Removed with hot towels, followed by application of an nourishing and moisturising lotion, combining bergamot water with grapefruit and lemongrass oil to uplift and invigorate the senses whilst protecting and repairing the skin. Then, enjoy a 25 minute relaxing back massage. Leave this treatment with soft, supple skin and feeling super relaxed!

35 mins - £28


Massage Add-Ons

Paraffin Wax - Hands, knees and feet can be immersed in the warm paraffin wax. The heat encourages the blood vessels to dilate, bringing more blood, oxygen and nutrients to the affected joints. A soothing treatment which improves circulation, helps stiff muscles relax and eases the associated joint pain of arthritis. £5 per area treated

Massage Gun - This is a percussive massage treatment, using a portable handheld device that vibrates at a high frequency and low amplitude of movement, which promotes recovery from workouts and improves overall performance while reducing soreness, helps break up scar tissue, facilitates lactic acid release, improves circulation and stimulates the nervous and lymphatic systems. Additional £5